PRF Treatment in Chennai

Celebrate healthier, stronger hair with our PRF Treatment at Armoraa Clinic. It’s like a natural boost for your hair’s growth and vitality. No chemicals, just your body’s own healing power. Book a consultation now for a hair transformation!

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South India's No.01 Dermatology Clinic

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What is PRF ?

Platelet-Rich-Fibrin (PRF) hair restoration involves utilizing personalized cell therapy, specifically from arthrex, to create an autologous serum containing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and growth factors. This serum is applied to inactive hair follicles using wound-healing technology, prompting regeneration and restoration. The crucial growth factors within PRF support tissue healing and regeneration. Notably, PRF treatment is conducted using the individual’s own blood, without the need for anticoagulants, making it a natural approach for directly delivering growth factors to the scalp and promoting hair health.

Armoraa - PRF

Indications of PRF

  • Hair thinning
  • Hairfall 
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Female pattern hair loss

Procedure Details:



The procedure requires withdrawal of patient’s own blood following which it is spin at a high speed in the centrifuge causing separation of plasma.


The red blood cells and white blood cells gets collected in the bottom part of the test tube, while the platelets and plasma get collected in the upper part.


The platelets and plasma rich in growth factors are separated from the tube and injected into the scalp.

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Frequently Asking Questions

Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) treatment for hair fall is a medical procedure that uses a patient’s own blood components, specifically platelets and growth factors, to stimulate hair growth and combat hair loss.

During PRF treatment, a small amount of your blood is drawn and processed to extract a concentrated solution of platelets and growth factors. This solution is then injected into the scalp to promote hair follicle regeneration, improve blood circulation, and stimulate hair growth.

PRF and PRP treatments are similar but differ in preparation and platelet concentration. PRF utilizes the patient’s blood without anticoagulants and contains higher levels of platelets and growth factors, which are trapped in a fibrin matrix, potentially leading to a more prolonged impact compared to PRP.

PRF treatment involves injections, so there might be some discomfort during the procedure. However, use local anesthesia to minimize pain and discomfort. After the treatment, there might be mild soreness or tenderness at the injection sites.

A typical PRF treatment session can take about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated and the specific clinic’s protocols.

The number of sessions varies depending on individual factors such as the extent of hair loss and the response to treatment. Generally, 4-6 sessions spaced a few weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.

PRF treatment can lead to prolonged hair growth and reduced hair fall, but results might not be permanent. Maintenance sessions are often recommended to sustain the effects over time.

PRF treatment is generally considered safe, as it uses your own blood components. However, some common side effects may include temporary redness, swelling, at the injection sites. Serious side effects are rare.

Individuals in the early stages of hair loss or those with thinning hair due to factors like genetics, hormonal imbalances, or aging can be good candidates for PRF treatment. A consultation with a qualified dermatologist can help determine eligibility.

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