
Laser Hair Reduction (LHR) has emerged as a popular choice for individuals seeking to get rid of unwanted hair from various body parts. In this blog, we’ll walk you through what to expect during and after Laser Hair Reduction sessions, as well as factors that can influence the effectiveness of the treatment.

What to Expect from Laser Hair Reduction?

1.Reduction in Hair Thickness:

Laser hair reduction targets the hair follicles, effectively reducing the thickness of the hair. This results in a smoother appearance and a significant decrease in visible hair volume.

2.Slower Hair Growth:

With each Laser Hair Reduction session, you can expect a reduction in hair growth rate. The procedure weakens hair follicles, leading to slower regrowth over time.

3.Thinner and Sparse Hair Growth:

After multiple Laser Hair Reduction sessions, you’ll notice that the hair becomes thinner and sparser. While the growth is reduced, it doesn’t completely halt hair regrowth.

4.Multiple Sessions Required:

Achieving optimal results typically requires multiple sessions, usually ranging from 6 to 10 treatments. The number of sessions may vary based on individual factors and the treatment area.

5.Visible Results After Completion:

Upon completing the recommended sessions, you will notice a significant reduction in hair growth. The hair will be finer, lighter, and resulting in smoother skin.


Does It Work the Same for Everyone?

The effectiveness of Laser Hair Reduction can vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice visible changes after just a few sessions, while others might need more treatments to achieve the desired results. Several factors influence the outcome of Laser Hair Reduction

Hormonal Imbalance:

Hormonal imbalances caused by medical conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Hyperthyroidism, and Hypothyroidism can affect the efficacy of Laser Hair Reduction and influence its outcomes.

Shaving in Between Sessions:

During the course of Laser Hair Reduction, it’s essential to avoid any hair removal methods that extract the hair from the root, such as waxing or plucking. However, shaving between sessions is acceptable and will not interfere with the treatment process.

Frequency of Sessions:

Adhering to the recommended timeframe between Laser Hair Reduction sessions is crucial. Too frequent or infrequent treatments can affect the results and overall effectiveness of the procedure.


Laser Hair Reduction is a reliable and effective method for reducing unwanted hair growth. Understanding what to expect from Laser Hair Reduction and considering individual factors that can influence the outcome will help you make informed decisions before undergoing the treatment. Remember to consult a Dermatologist who can provide a personalized Laser Hair Reduction plan to achieve the best possible results. Embrace the journey to smoother, hair-free skin with confidence!

Picture of Dr. Monisha Aravind

Dr. Monisha Aravind

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